Li& Fung, a Hong Kong-based consumer goods sourcing and logistics company, warned that "a new era in sourcing with higher prices" has begun, as manufacturers pass on the rising costs of both raw materials and Chinese labour to customers. 总部位于香港的消费品采购和物流公司利丰(li&fung)警告称,“一个采购涨价的新时代”已经到来,制造企业纷纷将不断提升的原材料及中国劳动力的成本转嫁给客户。
Food and consumer goods companies are overhauling the way they buy and hedge commodities after being caught out by increases in the prices of raw materials that have squeezed industry margins and cut profits. 食品和消费品公司正在全面改革购买及对冲大宗商品的方式。此前,由于原材料价格上涨,挤压了行业利润率、侵蚀了企业收益,令这些公司遭受沉重打击。
Companies are scurrying to satisfy the demand for consumer goods of a rapidly expanding lower-middle class, while China continues to suck in Brazil's exports of raw materials. 巴西的经济已经具有了发展的潜力:大大小小的公司都在加紧脚步满足迅速扩大的中产阶级下层对消费品的需求;
Aggression by foreign powers in China has gradually become a semi-colonial semi-feudal society as dumping goods and predatory powers of the place of raw materials. 列强的侵略使中国开始逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,成为列强倾销商品和掠夺原料的场所。
When demand is high relative to the economy's capacity to produce goods and services, the cost of labour and raw materials tend to rise and firms'mark-ups tend to increase. 当对相关的商品和服务的经济总量需求增高时,劳动力和原材料的成本趋于上升,公司的涨价趋势也增加。
Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution. 商品的价格受生产和流通成本影响,同时也受原材料成本影响。
Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself. 计算机跟踪库存商品,现有原材料甚至生产过程本身。
Based on the analysis of procedures of two stage production systems of perishable goods, a production inventory model and a genetic algorithm for the systems are proposed with decay of raw materials and semi finished and finished products taken into consideration. 对二阶段易腐物品生产过程进行了分析,在充分考虑了原料、半成品和成品的库存损耗特性的基础上,建立了二阶段易腐物品生产模型及其遗传算法。